Krantz Wooden Crystal Models
List of sets of wooden crystal models produced by Krantz during the course of the 20th century:
- Small set of 12 simple crystallographic forms
6 isometric forms and one each of the 6 other systems (5 and 10 cm sets, figure)
- Set of 20 crystal models
Introductory collection of 20 models; 7 cubic, 4 hexagonal, 3 tetragonal, 3 orthorhombic, 2 monoclinic, 1 triclinic
- Sets of 30 crystal models
13 isometric, 6 hexagonal, 4 tetragonal, 4 orthorhombic, 2 monoclinic and 1 triclinic form (5, 10 and 20-25 cm sets, figure) + 1 subset of only 12 models (20-25 cm)
- Set of 50 crystal models
Previous set of 30 models plus 20 important combinations and twin crystals (5 and 10 cm sets)
- Sets of 80 and 150 crystal models arranged by C. Hintze
Sets of 80 and 150 crystal models (5 and 10 cm) described in the special catalogue N° 8, 3rd ed. Most important hemihedral and tetartohedral forms, frequent combinations of natural crystals and twin crystals. Beginning with the isometric and ending with the triclinic system
- Set of 32 crystal models arranged by F. Rinne
32 models (5 and 10 cm sets) furnished in the usual way and also on special stands (figure), labeled with the spherical projection of the generating and the full symmetry.
Cfr. "Plan of the 32 crystal classes" in F. Rinne’s "Einführung in die kristallographische Formenlehre" and "Das feinbauliche Wesen der Materie nach dem Vorbild der Kristalle". "The 32 crystal classes are developed in a very simple manner out of the five primary crystallographic forms and their rhythmical recurrence in the sense of the numbers 2, 3, 4, and 6. Every class is represented by a model of its most general form" (Table)
- Set of 143 crystal models arranged by F. Rinne
Same view of composition as the previous set in accordance with "Einführung in die kristallographische Formenlehre" (F. Rinne). The set is divided into 3 parts:
A. 76 models (general crystallographic phenomena and general crystal forms)
B. 46 models (examples of the crystal world)
C. 21 models (twin crystals and interpenetration of chemically unlike species)
A, B and C subsets in 5 and 10 cm (a contact goniometer was supplied with the A and the ABC sets). Detailed lists of B and C subsets in Krantz Catalogue 18, 3rd ed. p. 145-147
- Set of 100 crystal models for the demonstration of P. Niggli’s system
100 models (5 and 10 cm); introduction and full list with references to the figures of P. Niggli’s "Mineralogie" in Krantz catalogue n° 30 ; detailed list also in Krantz Catalogue n°18, 3rd ed. p. 118-120
- Set of 225 crystal models (Penfield collection)
225 models (5 and 10 cm sets) arranged by S. L. Penfield to illustrate Chapter V of Brush-Penfield’s "Manual of Determinative Mineralogy. With an introduction on Blow-pipe Analysis". Full details with reference to the numbers of the book illustrations in crystal model-catalogue n°15
- "Dana-sets" of crystal models
The complete set includes 282 models (5 and 10 cm) but smaller subsets (selected by W.E. Ford) were also available: 192, 135, 96, 78, 90 (twin crystals) and 30 (twin crystals) models illustrating the figures of E.S. Dana’s "Textbook of Mineralogy". Detailed list in catalogue n°31
- Set of 416 crystal models arranged by P. von Groth
416 models (5 and 10 cm) illustrating the crystal forms and combinations of P. von Groth’s "Lehrbuch der Kristallographie". Detailed list in special crystallographic catalogue n°6b
- Set of 928 crystal models arranged by C. Hintze
928 models (5 and 10 cm) illustrating the most important forms of important minerals (no theoretical models); description in catalogue n°5b
- Sets of petrographic-crystallographic crystal models
The crystals of important rock forming minerals after "Mikroskopische Physiographie der Gesteinsbildenden Mineralien" 4th ed. by Rosenbusch and Wülfing are represented in three sets of 160, 124 and 100 models (5 and 10 cm)
- Sets of distorted and pseudo symmetrical crystals models
Sets (5 and 10 cm) of 56 and 20 crystal models arranged by J. Hirschwald
- Sets of special crystal models
Set (5 and 10 cm) of 17 models demonstrating the derivation of some isometric forms out of one another (5, 4, 4 and 4 models)
- Set of 10 models of calcium oxalate
Set of 10 models (5 and 10 cm) showing the forms of calcium oxalate, occurring in plants
- Model of the rhombic dodecahedron
1 hinged model to demonstrate the form of the faces of the rhombic dodecahedron and its angles; described in catalogue n°23, p. 15-16
this page was made possible with the help of Mrs. Ursula Müller-Krantz,
director of Dr. F. Krantz, Rheinisches Mineralien-Kontor GmbH & Co. KG, Germany