Krantz Crystal Model sets
Krantz crystal model sets are sorted by material (wood, glass, cardboard) and arranged by decreasing number of models in each set. For each set it is indicated in which catalog(s) it is described and on which page the description starts. Catalogs are identified by their Krantz number followed by the year they were published. Unnumbered catalogs are denoted by NN.
Set of 928 crystal models in pear wood arranged by C. Hintze,
described in catalog
5b 3rd ed (1902) p.1.
Also mentioned in catalogs
29 (1925) p.52 and
29 2nd ed (1936) p.16.
Set of 743 crystal models in pear wood arranged by P. Groth,
described in catalogs
5 2nd ed (1880) p.1 and
NN (1880) p.1.
Also supplement of
213 models in catalog
unnumbered (1887) p.1 and
7 (1892) p.1
Set of 675 crystal models in maple wood arranged by Krantz,
described in catalog
NN (1862) p.1.
Set of 416 crystal models in pear wood arranged by P. Groth,
described in catalog
6b 3rd ed (1906) p.5.
Also mentioned in catalogs
29 (1925) p.51 and
29 2nd ed (1936) p.16.
Set of 412 crystal models in pear wood arranged by P. Groth,
described in catalogs
NN (1886) p.3 and
6 (1891) p.3.
Set of 396 crystal models in pear wood arranged by P. Groth,
described in catalog
5a 2nd ed (1895) p.1.
Dana sets of wooden crystal models arranged by W.E. Ford, also available in subsets of
78 and
30 models,
described in catalog
31 3rd ed (1976) p.1.
Set of 225 crystal models in pear wood arranged by S. Penfield,
described in catalog
15 (1901) p.1.
Also mentioned in catalogs
29 (1925) p.50 and
29 2nd ed (1936) p.15.
Supplement to the set of
743 models arranged by P. Groth,
descibed in catalogs
unnumbered (1887) p.1 and
7 (1892) p.1
Dana set of 192 wooden crystal models arranged by W.E. Ford
described in catalog
31 3rd ed (1976) p.1. as a subset of the set of
282 models
Petrographic-crystallographic set of 160 models according to Rosenbusch-Wülfing, also in subsets of
124 and
100 crystal models.
29 2nd ed (1936) p.17, refers to this set but without details about the contents of the three sets
For a full description of the
124 model set, see catalog
23 (1912) p.22 or
29 (1925) p.52. and for the
100 model set see catalog
1b (1899) p.20.
Set of 150, respectively
80 crystal models in pear wood arranged by C. Hintze,
described in catalogs
8a 2nd ed (1897) p.5 and
8 3rd ed (1910) p.6. being an extension of the set of
132 models published in catalog
NN (1881).
Also mentioned in catalogs
29 (1925) p.50 and
29 2nd ed (1936) p.12 without details.
Large set of 143 wooden models arranged by F. Rinne,
concisely described in catalog
29 2nd ed (1936) and referring to catalog 18 3rd ed (not in our set) for a complete description.
Dana set of 135 wooden crystal models arranged by W.E. Ford,
described in catalog
31 3rd ed (1976) p.1. as a subset of the set of
282 models
Set of 132 crystal models deigned by C. Hintze,
described in catalog
NN (1881) p.3.
Petrographic-crystallographic set according to Rosenbusch-Wülfing arranged by K. Busz,
described in catalogs
23 (1912) p.22 and
29 (1925) p.52.
A larger set of
160 models is mentioned in catalog
29 2nd ed (1936) p.17.
Set of 114 crystal models in maple wood arranged by Krantz,
described in catalog
NN (1866) p.47.
two different sets:
• Petrographic-crystallographic set according to H. Rosenbusch arranged by K. Busz,
described in catalog
1b (1899) p.20.
• Set of wooden crystal models for the demonstration of Professor Dr. P. Niggli’s morphological system of crystals, arranged by R.L. Parker,
described in catalog
30 (1926) p.5.
Dana set of 96 wooden crystal models arranged by W.E. Ford,
described in catalog
31 3rd ed (1976) p.1. as a subset of the set of
282 models.
Set of 88 colored wooden models for the derivation of the hemiedric and tetartoedric forms, arranged by P. Groth,
described in catalogs
1b (1899) p.16 and
29 (1925) p.45. Also mentioned (denoted by the description "Ableitung...") in the two 412 catalogues, thus available from as early as 1886.
Set of 80 crystal models in pear wood as a subset of the set with
150 models arranged by C. Hintze,
described in catalogs
1b (1899) p.8. and
29 (1925) p.10.
Dana set of 78 wooden crystal models arranged by W.E. Ford,
described in catalog
31 3rd ed (1976)p.1. as a subset of the set of
282 models.
Set of 74 wooden models arranged by F. Rinne,
described in catalog
29 (1925) p.31.
Set of 56 wooden models of distorted and pseudosymmetrical crystals arranged by J. Hirschwald,
described in catalogs
NN (1894) p.2 and
1b (1899) p.13.
29 (1925) p.57 and
29 2nd ed (1936) p.17 also mention a subset of 20 models, but without further details.
Set of 50 crystal models in pear wood arranged by Krantz,
described in catalogs
1b (1899) p.6 and
29 (1925) p.3.
Mentioned in catalog
29 2nd ed p.11.
Set of 46 wooden crystal models according to F. Rinne,
described in catalog
29 (1925) p.38.
Set of 32 pear wood crystal models to explain the 32 crystal classes according to F. Rinne,
described in catalog
29 (1925) p.21 and mentioned in
29 2nd ed (1936) p.12.
4 different sets:
• Set of 30 pear wood crystal models to illustrate the main simple forms arranged by Krantz,
described in catalogs
1b (1899) p.5,
29 (1925) p.3 and offered in different sizes in catalog
29 2nd ed (1936) p.11
• Set of 30 large (20-25cm) hollow pear wood crystal models to illustrate the main simple forms arranged by Krantz and exactly the same forms is in the previous set,
described in catalogs
19 (1906) p.14 and
29 (1925) p.5
• Set of 30 pear wood crystal models of frequent combinations in the cubic system arranged by Krantz,
described in catalog
29 (1925) p.19
• Dana set of 30 wooden crystal models arranged by W.E. Ford,
described in catalog
31 3rd ed (1976) p.1. as a subset of the set of
282 models
Set illustrating twinning and oriented intergrowths of chemically dissimilar crystals arranged by F. Rinne,
described in catalog
29 (1925) p.40.
Set of wooden crystal models of some simple combinations and of the most important twins arranged by Krantz,
described in catalog
29 (1925) p.9.
Set of wooden crystal models demonstrating the derivation of some isometric forms out of one another arranged by Krantz,
described in catalog
29 (1925) p.9.
also mentioned in catalog
29 2nd ed (1936) p.18.
Small set set of 12 simple crystallographic forms arranged by Krantz,
described in catalog
29 (1925) p.2 and mentioned in
29 2nd ed (1936) p.9.
Set of 10 wooden crystal models showing the forms of calcium oxalate occuring in plants arranged by Krantz,
described in catalogs
1b (1899) p.23 and
29 (1925) p.62 and mentioned in
29 2nd ed (1936) p.18.
Wooden model to demonstrate the form of the faces of the rhombic dodecahedron and its angles by C. Hintze,
described in
catalog 23 (1912) p.15 and
29 2nd ed (1936) on p.19 and 32.
Set of 139 glass crystal models arranged by Krantz, being a combination of sets in catalog 29 as well as 14 new models,
described in catalog
29 (1925) p.84.
Set of 135 glass crystal models arranged by Krantz,
described in catalog
1b (1899) p.34.
Set of 102 glass crystal models arranged by H. Baumhauer,
described in catalog
12 (1893) p.5 and mentioned in
29 (1925) p.86 and
29 2nd ed (1936) p.26.
Set of 99 glass crystal models arranged by Krantz,
mentioned in catalog
29 2nd ed (1936) p.26 and referring to catalog 18 3rd ed (not in our set) for a complete description.
Set of 98 glass crystal models arranged by Krantz,
being a combination of the set of
84 with the set of
14 described in catalog
29 (1925) p.84
Set of colored solid glass crystal models of precious stones in sets of 88,
60, 50, 40, 24, 18, 12, arranged by Krantz,
mentioned in catalog
29 2nd ed (1936) p.27 and referring to catalog 18 3rd ed (not in our set) for a complete description.
Set of 84 glass crystal models arranged by Krantz,
being a combination of smaller sets in catalog
29 (1925) p.84.
Set of 81 glass crystal models arranged by J. Beckenkamp,
described in catalogs
1b (1899) p.41 and
29 (1925) p.87.
Set of 70 solid glass crystal models with a subset of
30 models arranged by Krantz,
described in catalogs
1b (1899) p.55 and
29 (1925) p.96.
Both sets also mentioned in catalog
29 2nd ed (1936) p.27.
Set of 64 glass crystal models, arranged by Krantz,
being a combination of the set of
30 and
34 models described in catalog
29 (1925) p.71.
Set of 61 glass crystal models with subsets of 36, 16 and
10 models arranged by K. Busz,
described in catalogs
1b (1899) p.29,
29 (1925) p.72 and mentioned in
29 2nd ed (1936) p.23.
Set of 60 colored solid glass crystal models of precious stones arranged by Krantz,
described in catalog
29 (1925) p.98, also available in a subset of 12 models and an expanded set of
88 models.
Set of 58 glass crystal models arranged by Th. Liebisch,
described in catalog
14 (1897) p.1 and alo mentioned in
29 (1925) p.85 and
29 2nd ed (1936) p.26
Set of 50 glass crystal models arranged by Krantz,
described in catalogs
1b (1899) p.47 and
29 (1925) p.79 with a subset of 18 models.
Also mentioned in catalog
29 2nd ed (1936) p.25.
Set of 34 glass crystal models arranged by Krantz,
described in catalogs
1b (1899) p.26 and
29 (1925) p.68 with a subset of 10 models.
Also mentioned in catalog
29 2nd ed (1936) p.22.
Set of 30 glass crystal models arranged by Krantz,
described in catalogs
1b (1899) p.25 and
29 (1925) p.66.
Also mentioned in catalog
29 2nd ed (1936) p.22.
Set of 25 glass crystal models arranged by Krantz,
mentioned in catalog
29 2nd ed (1936) p.21.
Set of 20 glass models of biaxial crystals constructed according to U. Grubenmann,
described in catalogs
1b (1899) p.52 and
29 (1925) p.125.
Also mentioned in catalog
29 2nd ed (1936) p.36.
Set of 16 glass models demonstrating etch figures on crystal faces arranged by G. Wulff,
described in catalogs
23 (1912) p.41 and mentioned in
29 (1925) p.95 and
29 2nd ed (1936) p.35.
Set of 15 glass crystal models arranged by Krantz,
described in catalogs
1b (1899) p.24 and
29 (1925) p.65.
Also mentioned in catalog
29 2nd ed (1936) p.21.
Set of 14 glass crystal models arranged by Krantz,
described in catalogs
29 (1925) p.63 and mentioned in
29 2nd ed (1936) p.20.
Set of 10 glass models of penetration twin crystals arranged by Krantz,
described in catalogs
1b (1899) p.50 and
29 (1925) p.82 and mentioned in
29 2nd ed (1936) p.25.
Set of 8 large glass crystal models of calcite arranged by J. Beckenkamp,
described in catalog
19 (1906) p.65 and mentioned in
29 (1925) p.95 and
29 2nd ed (1936) p.33.
Set of 7 glass crystal models to illustrate the position of symmetry elements in the seven crystal systems arranged by Mallard,
described in catalogs
1b (1899) p.51 and
29 (1925) p.83.
two different sets:
• set of 6 glass crystal models arranged by Krantz,
described in
catalog 29 (1925) p.63 and mentioned in
29 2nd ed (1936) p.19
• set of 6 glass models of triclinic feldspars arranged by E. Weinschenk,
described in
catalog 19 (1906) p.48 and mentioned in catalogs
29 (1925) p.130 and
29 2nd ed (1936) p.37
two different sets:
• set of 5 glass crystal models of the triclinic feldspars to explain their optical relationships arranged by Krantz,
described in catalog
19 (1906) p.46
• set of 5 glass crystal models to demonstrate the dispersion in crystals arranged by E. Weinschenk,
described in catalog
29 (1925) p.131 and concisely described in
29 2nd ed (1936) p.38
Set of 4 glass models to demonstrate the dispersion in orthorombic and monoclinic crystals arranged by Krantz,
described in catalog
19 (1906) p.49.
Set of 3 glass models to demonstrate the dispersion in monoclinic crystals arranged by Krantz,
described in catalog
1b (1899) p.54.
three different models:
• glass model for the demonstration of the position of the rhombic section in plagioclase by C. Hintze,
described in catalog
23 (1912) p.17 and
29 2nd ed (1936) p.33
• glass model of 3 calcite rhombohedra by H. Laspeyres,
described in catalogs
19 (1906) p.25 and
29 (1925) p.94 and mentioned in
29 2nd ed (1936) p.33
• glass model of calcite rhombohedron for the demonstration of birefringence by K. Busz,
described in catalogs
19 (1906) p.30
29 2nd ed (1936) p.39
Set of 520 cardboard crystal models arranged by K. Vrba, expanded from the set of
450 models (1905) and also foreseen with new numbers,
described in catalogs
11 3rd ed (1910) p.1,
23 (1912) p.19 and mentioned in catalog
29 (1925) p.99 where it is also offered in subsets of 450, 300, 200, 100, 60, 30 and 12 models.
Set of 450 cardboard crystal models arranged by K. Vrba, described in catalog
11 2nd ed (1905) p.1.
Set of 280 cardboard crystal models arranged by K. Vrba, described in catalog
11 (1895) p.5.
Set of 115 cardboard crystal models arranged by J. Beckenkamp, described in catalog
1b (1899) p.62.
Set of 100 cardboard crystal models arranged by Krantz, described in catalog
1b (1899) p.59.
wire crystal models
Set of 20 crystal models made of wire arranged by Krantz,
23 (1912) p.18 and
29 (1925) p.102.
mixed set of crystal models
Large set of 561 or 526 crystal models (wood, glass, metal) after M.E. Wadsworth, catalogs
23 (1912) p.25 and
29 (1925) p.56
symmetry elements, axial systems, Miller indices
• Symmetry planes (metal, after K. Vrba),
19 (1906) p.19,
29 (1925) p.107
• Symmetry axes (metal, after H. Baumhauer),
19 (1906) p.21,
29 (1925) p.105
• Crystallographic mirror polyscope (after K. Vrba),
21 (1909) p.1, and
23 (1912) p.31
• Crystallographic kaleidoscope (after E.A. Wülfing),
23 (1912) p.26,
29 (1925) p.115
• Crystal axes,
19 (1906) p.25 (wood), p.26 (metal),
29 (1925) p.104
• Miller indices (after E.A. Wülfing),
23 (1912) p.39,
29 (1925) p.108
crystallographic projections
• Spherical projection (mixed media, according to H. Lenk)
19 (1906) p.53
• Spherical projection (rubber ball, according to J. Beckenkamp)
19 (1906) p.53
• Stereographic projection (mixed media, according to E.A. Wülfing)
23 (1912) p.34,
29 (1925) p.112
crystal optics
• Nicol prism,
19 (1906) p.30,
23 (1912) p.44,
29 (1925) p.119
• wave surfaces (wire, after K. Vrba),
19 (1906) p.31,
29 (1925) p.120
• wave surfaces (plaster, after L. Duparc),
19 (1906) p.33,
29 (1925) p.121
• indicatrix (wire, after K. Vrba),
19 (1906) p.36,
29 (1925) p.122
• indicatrix (wood, after L. Duparc),
19 (1906) p.37,
29 (1925) p.122
• indicatrix (wood, after P. Groth),
19 (1906) p.41,
29 (1925) p.123
• circular sections triaxial ellepsoid (wood, after C. Hintze),
23 (1912) p.46,
29 (1925) p.124
• skiodromes (plaster, after F. Becke),
19 (1906) p.42,
29 (1925) p.124
crystal structures
Sets of crystal structures, catalog
29 (1925) p.133-158