Lehmann, Johann Gottlob (1760)
D. Joh. Gottlob Lehmanns, | Königl. Preuβischen Berg=Raths, Mitglied der | Königl. Academie derer Wissenschaften und der Chur= | Mayntzischen nützlicher Wissenschaften. | Entwurf | einer | Mineralogie | zum Dienst | derer allhier in Berlin Studierenden. | [rule] | Zweyte und vermehrte Auflage. | [ornament] | [double rule] | Berlin, 1760. | bey Gottlieb August Lange.
Collation: 8°: *
4 A-I
8 K
4; [8] [1] 2-150 [2] p.
size: 100 x 170 mm
Binding: contemporary full calf with gilt ornaments on spine, gilt lettering on spine label and gilt initials on front cover
Provenance: initials W C O on front cover, stamped "ОТРАДА" as well as faded ink stamps on title page
editions: 1758 (first edition), 1769; Russian translation (1772)
References: Schuh 2936
Collection: private collection