Rue (also Rueus or Rueo), François de La (1547)
De Gemmis | Aliqvot, Iis Præ- | Sertim Qvarvm. Divvs | Ioannes Apostolus in sua Apocalypsi meminit. | De alijs quoque quarum usus hoc ævi apud om- | nes percrebuit, libri duo Theologis non minus | utiles quàm Philosphis, & omnino felicioribus | ingenijs periucundi, è non vulgaribus utriusque | philosophiæ adytis deprompti, Authore | Francisco Rueo Doctore | medico Insulano. | [ornament] | Parisiis, | Ex Officina Christiani Wecheli, sub Pegaso | in uico Bellouacensi. Anno | M. D. XLVII.
Collation: 8°: A-L
8 M
4; [2] 3-183 [1] p.
size: 151 x 102 mm
Binding: full vellum over boards, with manuscript title on spine
Provenance: manuscript ownership annotations on title page "Cum Rudolphi Snelly"; "Maria de lange" and "Maria d | Lange" and bookplate "John Hutchison D.D.".
Rudolph Snel Van Royen (1546-1613), was professor in mathematics at the university of Leiden and father of Willebrord Snel (1580-1626), who married Maria de Lange in 1608. Willebrord Snel (Snellius) is well known for the law of optics named after him
editions: 1565, 1566 and other editions and issues
References: Hoover 508, Sinkankas 5625
Collection: private collection