Kobell, Franz Wolfgang Ritter von (1907)
Franz von Kobell’s | Tafeln | zur | Bestimmung der Mineralien | mittelst |einfacher chemischer Versuche auf trockenem | und nassem Weg. |[rule] | Dreizehnte Fünfzehnte neu bearbeitete und vermehrte | von | K. Oebbeke. | [decorated rule] | München, 1894 1907 | Lindauer’sche Buchhandlung| (Schöpping).
Collation: 8°: [i] xxvii, [1]-125 p.
Page size: 135 x 200 mm
Binding: cloth
Provenance: no marks of provenance
Other editions: numerous editions in German (1833, 1835, 1838, 1846, 1853, 1858, 1861, 1864, 1869, 1873, 1878, 1884, 1894, 1901, 1912, 1921), French, Swedish, English and Spanish
References: Schuh 2745
Collection: private collection
Note: According to the pagination as indicated by Schuh, this edition would be the fifteenth of 1907 because that of 1894 only has 117 pages.