Hill, John (1748)
A General | Natural History: | Or, | New and Accurate | Descriptions | Of The | Animals, Vegtables, and Minerals, | Of the Different | Parts of the World; | With | Their Virtues and Uses, as far as hitherto certainly | known, in Medicine and Mechanics: | Illustrated | By a General Review of the Knowledge of the Ancients, and the | Discoveries and Improvements of later Ages in these Studies. | Including | The History of the Materia Medica, Pictoria, and | Tinctoria, of the Present and Earlier Ages. | As Also | Observations on the neglected Properties of many valuable Substances known at present; | and Attempts to discover the lost Medicines, &c. of former Ages, in a Series of Critical | Enquiries into the Materia Medica of the Ancient Greeks. | With | A great Number of Figures, elegantly engraved. | [rule] | By John Hill. | [rule] | London: | Printed for Thomas Osborne, in Gray’s–Inn, Holbourn. | [rule] | M.DCC.XLVIII.
title: A | History | Of | Fossils. | By John Hill.
Collation: 2°: π
2 A
2 a
2 B-Z
2 2A-2Z
2 3A-3M
2 4O-4Z
2 5A-5Z
2 6A-6Z
2 7A-7I
2 26A-
2 27A-
2 8A-8E
2; [12] 1-228 333-592 457-654 [6] p.
Pages 457 to 592 are repeated in the sequence, 12 plates and 1 folding table.
Pages 506, 507 (second sequence) misnumbered 406, 407
Plates: folding table, 12 engraved plates numbered "Plate 1. - 12." all signed "B. Cole Sculp." with the exception of plate I (unsigned); all plates in this copy are contemporary hand colored
size: 233 x 359 mm
Binding: recent half calf over marbled boards, with gilt lettering on red leather label
Provenance: no marks of
provenance but several annotations in a contemporary hand
editions: 1773, German translation (1766)
References: Hoover 421, Schuh 2269
Collection: private collection