Hamlin, Augustus Choate (1884)

Hamlin, Augustus Choate (1884)

Hamlin, Augustus Choate (1884)

Leisure Hours Among | The Gems | By | Augustus C. Hamlin | Author Of A Treatise On The Tourmaline | Fellow Of The American Association For The Advancement Of Science | Member Of The Royal Society Of Antiquaries Of Northern Europe | Chevalier Of St.Anne, Etc | [...6 lines of quotation, signed Rabelais...] | [ornament] | Boston | James R. Osgood And Company | 1884

Half title: Leisure Hours Among The Gems

Collation: 12°: [13] 14-439 [1 blank] p., 2 plates

Plates: 2 plates including frontispiece (both in chromolithography) unnumbered and unsigned

Page size: 121 x 186 mm

Binding: original publisher's cloth with gilt drawing on cover and gilt lettering and drawing on spine

Provenance: owners name "H. S. Rice" in pencil on half title page

Other editions: 1891 (reprint with omissions)

References: Sinkankas 2695

Collection: private collection

Hamlin, Augustus Choate (1884)