Collins, Joseph Henri (1873)
Collin's Elementary Science Series. | [rule] | A First Book Of | Mineralogy. | Adapted To The Requirements Of The | Science And Art Department, And Suitable For Self-Instruction. | By | J. H. Collins, F.G.S., | Author of "A Handbook to the Mineralogy of Cornwall and Devon," | Secretary to the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society, Hon. Assistant Secretary | to the Miners' Association of Cornwall and Devon, Associate of the | Royal Geological Society of Cornwall, etc. etc. | [ornament] | London and Glasgow: | William Collins, Sons, & Co., Limited. | [rule] | [All rights reserved.]
Collation: 8°: A-K
8; [3] 4-160 p., illustrations
size: 110 x 165 mm.
Binding: Editor's boards
Provenance: no marks of
editions: 1873 (another issue by Georges P. Putman's Sons, NY)
References: Schuh 1178 (for the NY issue)
Collection: private collection