Boodt (also: Boot), Anselmus Boëtius de (1609)
Anselmi | Boetii De Boodt | Brvgensis Belgæ, | Rvdolphi Secvndi, | Imperatoris Romanorvm, | Personæ Medici, | Gemmarvm Et Lapidvm | Historia, | Qua non solum ortus, natura, vis & precium, sed etiam modus quo exiis, olea, | salia, tincturæ, essentiæ, arcana & magisteria arte chymica | consici possint, oftenditur. | Opvs Principibvs, Medicis, Chy- | micis, Physicis, ac liberalioribus ingeniis vtilissimum. | Cum variis figuris, Indiceq3 duplici & copioso. | [ornament] | Hanoviæ, | Typis Wechelianis apud Claudium Marnium & | heredes Ioannis Aubrii. | [rule] | M. DC. IX.
Collation: 4°: †
4 ††
4 ††
2 A-Z
4 Aa-Mm
4 Nn
2 Oo-Pp
4; [2] 3-8 [9-20] 1-294 [16] p. woodcuts in the text, printer’s woodcut device on title and at end.
Some copies have a woodcut portrait and 8 tables (2 folding), in that case the folding tables are bound in the text between pages 2/3 and 6/7
size: 210 x 161 mm
Binding: full vellum with earlier leather spine attached (gilt ornaments and lettering on spine)
Provenance: On the inside front cover: bookplate of Theodore Horovitz and label "Horovitz | Joailliers | A | Geneve" as well as a wax seal depicting a dexter hand holding a cross crosslet and under it the text "Per Mare Per Terras"; on the title page manuscript ex libris "Ex Libris ftq Genovesæ parisieni | 1749"
editions: 1636, 1647; French translation of the second edition (1644)
References: Schuh 707, Sinkankas 778, Ward & Carozzi 251
Collection: private collection

wax seal on inside front cover

ex libris Theodore Horovitz