Hortus Sanitatis (1497)
Ortus Sanitatis | De herbis et plantis. | De Animalibus et reptilibus | De Auibus et volatilibus | De Piscibus et natatilibus | De Lapidibus et in terre venis nascentibus | De Urinis et earum speciebus | Tabula medicinalis Cum directo= | rio generali per omnes tractatus.
in the present copy the title page is missing
Collation: 2°: a8 b-k6 l8 m-r6 s8 t-z6 Aa6 Bb8 Cc-Ee6 Ff8 Gg-Ii6 A8 B-C6 D8 E-H6 I8 K-Q6 R8 S-T6 V8 aa6 bb4 cc-ee6; no pagination or foliation, two columns of text, Gothic lettering
the present copy misses a8, b1, (replaced with 12 manuscript leaves) B6, C5, aa6 and bb4 (aa6 bb4 is the treatise on urines).
Plates: numerous woodcuts (all contemporary hand-colored) in the text; a complete copy (1066 woodcuts) depicts 530 herbs, 164 animals, 122 birds, 106 fish and 144 plates on stones.
size: 194 x 293 mm.
Binding: contemporary blind-stamped calf over wooden boards, lacking clasps (binding dated 1589)
Provenance: bookplate of Dr. Ronald W. MacCorkell, as well as some 17th century ownership inscriptions.
editions: first German edition: 1485; first Latin edition: 1491; other editions in various languages: 1496-1536.
References: Schuh 2232
Collection: private collection