Albertus Magnus (1517-1518)
Diui Alberti Magni | Sūmi in via peripathetica philosophi: Theolo- | giqz profundissimi naturalia ac supranaturalia | opera per Marcū Antoniuz Zimarā philoso= | phuz excellēntissimū nuper castigata erroribusqz | purgata: necnō cuz mariginib9 optimis anno= | tatiōnib9 ornatis doctrinaqz excultis atqz fideli= | ter ipressis feliciter incipiunt. Que sunt hec. vz. | De Physico auditu Lib. VIII. | De Celo & mundo Lib. IIII. | De Generatiōe & corrup. Lib. II. | De Methauris Lib. IIII. | De Mineralibus Lib. IIII. | De Anima Lib. III. | De Intellectu & intelligibili Lib. II. | De Metaphysica Lib. XIII.
Collation: 3 parts in one volume.
[Part 1: 1517] 2°: +
6 a
6 b-n
8 o-p
6; [24] p., 1-108 leaves
[Part 2: 1518] 2°: aa-ff
8 gg
6 hh-tt
8; 1-150 leaves
[Part 3: 1518] 2°: A-X
8 Y
6; 1-174 leaves
Gothic lettering and double column throughout. Each part has separate foliation and colophon with printer’s device. Only the recto side of the leaf is numbered.
size: 215 x 316 mm
Binding: full contemporary vellum over boards, with fading manuscript title on back
Provenance: no marks of
editions: Latin: 1476, 1491, 1495, 1499, 1518, 1519, and 1569 ; modern English, German and French translations
References: Schuh 81
Collection: private collection