Babinet goniometer


Ed. Lutz, Paris
Babinet-type goniometer, 40 cm high which can be adjusted upwards to 55 cm. The circle is 18 cm diameter, engraved every 1/2 degree for the full 360 degrees. Read by two one minute verniers. Collimator tube and viewing telescopes are 16 cm long. It has a precision leveling system for the central glass pad.
Signed Ed Lutz, Paris, 4th quarter 19th century.

See MM Instruments for more details on this instrument

collection Mark McElyea

Babinet goniometer, Ed. Lutz

Babinet goniometer, Ed. Lutz

Babinet goniometer, Ed. Lutz

Babinet goniometer, Ed. Lutz

Babinet goniometer, Ed. Lutz